FORGET Lip liners, injections and plastic surgeries!
Natural Lip Plumper |
This out dated over lining of the lips is an 80's theme of the past. This year, 2016, is the year of the natural babe pouty look We no longer need to draw outside our lip lines. If you are tired of this 80's clownish look, a San Francisco based company, CandyLipz, makes full gorgeous lips possible without any lip lining or makeup tricks, lip injections, or lip surgery. You can see your transformation in minutes- right in the comfort of your home.
There have been many live expos, new reports, TV shows and other live demonstrations of this wonderful AVAILABLE technology.
The company's inventor and founder, Thienna Ho said that,
"CandyLipz isn't like any other lip plumping devices on the market. It took years to develop and test. I must admit why I invented CandyLipz. As an Asian person, I had a flatter facial profile that with aging even got flatter. After I turned 35, my lips drooped and my philtrum flattened and lengthened. I was very unhappy. Today at the age of 48, I have the youthful, pouty facial profile that I always wanted. I had reversed the aging of my lips! There are no words that can describe my happiness. My philtrum looks a lot shorter and the height of my upper lip appears much fuller. Needless to say, I cannot live without my CandyLipz even for a day after over 4 years of lip plumping. Lip plumping has become a daily habit just like brushing my teeth."
O efeito do Candy Lipz é passageiro e instantâneo. Por isso você deve carregar sempre com você, para “recarregar” os lábios sempre que começarem a murchar.
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